Do You REALLY NEED An Antivirus For PC?

If you purchase a new desktop or laptop, you assume that its speed will be lightning-fast even after a few years, right? Wrong

Antivirus has been declining largely due to articles that claim it doesn’t protect you. Some users mistakenly believe that the built-in capabilities of their operating systems and careful online behavior is sufficient enough to protect them against digital threats.

Unfortunately, it’s not true.

One of the most common reasons for failures or problems in computers is the lack of antivirus software, or expired antivirus software. It is an issue that is often overlooked and has dire consequences for the unfortunate computer owner.

Do You Really Need an Antivirus?

Whenever some kind of virus attack happens on your computer, antivirus is the first one to detect that. Most of the new antivirus software have advanced detection capabilities that go beyond filtering out commoditized threats.

The number of new malicious programs increases every day and it’s not just your PC or laptop that is at risk. Computers, smartphones, tablets, and even IoT-connected devices are all attractive targets for cyberattacks.

Any device that is connected to the internet is vulnerable to malicious software that can infect your system, delete and alter files, steal personal data, or use your computer’s resources. It only takes one attack to hijack your computer or steal your identity. If you use any Windows, MacOS, or Android devices, you need antivirus software.

Antivirus Protects Against More Than Just Viruses

Countless number of malwares and malicious programs are made every minute.

One of the most common cybersecurity myth is that only known viruses can be detected by the antivirus. That’s true to some extent but most threats act similarly so antivirus is able to detect those. Some users believe they should hardly bother with installing the antivirus.

But antivirus technology evolves constantly rather than being static. The antivirus of today does more than just protecting against known threats.

Modern antivirus solutions have features that handle multiple attack avenues, like phishing, adware, spyware, ransomware, malware, and more.

The Purpose Of Antivirus Was To Protect You From Threats

For years, most antiviruses have worked by checking your files against an ever-updated database of virus signatures. But as the number and the sophistication of attacks grew, antivirus software has had to evolve.

To effectively protect your devices, antivirus solutions moved beyond checking for virus signatures to detecting unencountered threats. The use of new techniques such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and behavioral tracking has turned the antivirus into an all-rounder defender, capable of detecting and blocking more sophisticated attacks.

More Things Need Protecting: Android, MacOS

Threats go where the public is. So as there is a sudden increase in the number of mobile users, hence the malware for Android and IOS has increased as well.  Mobile devices are lucrative targets since they often contain sensitive data like mobile wallets, banking apps, contact details, or medical records.

There has also been a rise in malware targeting MacOS computers. While Windows operating systems have been the major target due to their popularity, cybercriminals have begun targeting other systems.

You Are In Risk Every Single Second!

Some users believe that they don’t need an antivirus as attacks can be avoided if they are “careful.” This isn’t true. If you own any device that connects to the Internet, then you need antivirus software. Attackers mask malicious links and files: shortened links in Twitter or Facebook, installed free software, email attachments—all of these and more put your devices at risk. In an age where cybercrime is a lucrative business, everyone is vulnerable.

Antivirus Increases Your Computer’s Lifetime, Saves You Money And Sensitive Data

If you use the internet in any way then know that prevention is better than cure

You can attempt to repair a broken operating system, but it’s far easier to quarantine viruses before they destroy the machine. Many viruses can render their host systems basically unusable while others will prevent the user from installing any new programs—including antivirus programs intended to remove them. Reinstalling the operating system can mean reverting to a restore point and losing important files and data. 

Finally, not having antivirus protection could kill your professional reputation. Plenty of viruses act as spam-bots, hijacking your desktop email program and sending embarrassing unsolicited mail to your contacts. Viruses can also hide behind your computer’s IP address to make illegal downloads, potentially incriminating you in unlawful activity.

How Could You Purchase The Best Antivirus?

Well, we have got you covered. Antivirus Bazaar is a place where you can buy antivirus which you like and get its license key delivered withing seconds in your mail inbox. Just choose, buy, and activate it without any hassles.

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